Saturday we decided to take the kids to Zoo Boo because it was suppose to be super cool. I attacked Sevy to get her into her leotard and to get her hair fixed and packed up the rest of her costume and a pair of pants and we were off. We got to the zoo and it is packed and crazy and I don't deal well with crowds, so we gave up on that one. We then decided to make the most of the day and visit north Houston where all the hockey shops seem to be located. Well, Houston is like it's own weird world. We get off the freeway to find a gas station--usually located at any exit--when we have to drive for like five miles to find anywhere that might have a phonebook. We get ready to pull into a pawn shop where right before we turn we notice police tape, a medical examiner's van, and a detective. Great. So we drive a little farther and see a gas station. When we go to turn in we discover this:
It is longer than the car pulling it. We really thought we'd seen everything possible this day! The trip ended up being pretty much a bust, minus the random site-seeing! We got home in time for me to go to a girl's night out and Jon kept Sevy with him where she quickly knocked out!
But only after she put back on her dragon costume! Yeah, for the record, we were out in public with a child in plaid pants, a pink leotard stained with ketchup and crazy hair, because she cannot keep anything I do to it for more than 10 minutes! I will never judge a parent ever again! Houston has definitely proved to be quite the adventure for us!