Manic Monday: Actually, the best day of this week. We only had Sevy try to wash her toys with diaper rash cream. That was fun to clean up. That night, both her and Teik decided to wake up about every 2 hours since neither of them ever do that normally.
Tuesday: It started with finding Sevy on the couch with her frozen chicken nuggets poured into a bowl with crumbs everywhere. She also had 3 mini packets of Sixlets (previously located on the top shelf of the fridge), and an Otterpop amongst her pile of crumbs. I got her upstairs and changed and focused my attention on myself and Teik, and of course it came to the time that I had to be out the door to get to work on time (and I wanted to get there early because I just got clip-in shoes and had no idea how exactly they worked). I gathered up the troops and naturally, Sevy had changed her outfit into basically pajamas again--her favorite outfit. I give up and load 'em up and we get to the gym, and I hear wheezing coming from my back tire. I give it a look over and sure enough, a huge nail and air rapidly coming out. I drag the kiddos in, ask the front desk for the closest tire store (same parking lot!), run into my class explaining the situation and saying I would be back (I had 10 minutes to do this), and quickly drove to Firestone before I would have to change the tire to avoid ruining the rim. I explain I'm in a hurry and I know I'll need a new tire (they were balding and this was a huge hole), and the guy takes his dear sweet time, so I have to sprint back and get to my class 5-10 minutes late huffing and attempting the new shoes. After class I lug back to the tire store with Teik in his carrier, 3 bags, and Sevy walking. We get a new tire and head home. My class told me that at least nothing else should go wrong, but apparently, they don't know Ormson luck. Sevy turned into demon child later on, just to make sure the day ended with a bang.
Wednesday: I teach at the gym on Wednesday nights, so this week Sevy came with me so Jon could study. Afterwards we stop off at Salvation Army to see what they have. Sevy refuses to listen to me ever, so while I'm checking out, she runs off. Next thing I know I'm hearing a wailing cry. I go over and pick her up, not worried because she falls all the time, but this cry is worse than normal. We head outside to the car and I stick her in her seat when I notice blood all over my shoulder. I look at her face and she is still bawling with blood on it, but I am thankful it's not coming out of her mouth. I try to clean our hands good enough to analyze her boo boo in the poor lighting of the car and parking lot, hand her a tissue, and head home. Not being able to contact Jon, I call my sister Brandi to find out how bad a cut has to be for stitches. At home, Jon freaks and insists on stitches (I'm the calm parent in these issues thanks to my Dad's beliefs that butterfly bandaids are a fix-all). We take her over to our friends' house--who is a doctor--and he agrees that she'll be fine. Too bad Sevy's not really old enough to realize that this is the "hurt" that comes when mommy says, "Sevy, listen to me or you'll end up getting hurt."
Friday: We did our best to keep Sevy happy on Friday knowing we would be going trick-or-treating later on and I really wanted her to cooperate for once. About an hour before we were to leave, I had noticed her playing with this blue bath bead bunny thing, and had that thought of, "oh, maybe she shouldn't be playing with that," but didn't act upon it. A little while later she comes walking up to my bathroom crying that her bunny is gone. The first thing I see is my child with blue drooling out of her mouth. She has it all over her hands and face and teeth and legs and feet. I holler at Jon and he finds the huge spot on our stairs and wall. He attacks the house while I attack the daughter, and to be honest, they both still have blue on them. Thankfully, she did cooperate when it came to the fixing of the hair and wearing of the costume, and we had a fun time with friends at the Pearland Town Center. Oh, but we did notice the other back tire starting to look flat and Jon found a nail in that one.
And poor Teikers didn't even get put in a costume because of all the drama leading up to us leaving the house. What good parents are we?
Saturday: I was in debate Saturday morning on whether or not I would go to the gym. Jon had a school thing, and I didn't have to teach a class, but remembering the tire, I wandered in the garage to see how it was fairing. Yeah, it was completely flat. That was my decision maker. I spent the morning looking up tire prices around town and decided to go again to Firestone. Jon gets home and we attempt to air up the flattening tire to get us to the 5 mile drive we need to take. After two air compressors and a jack, he gives up and just puts our spare on. We drop the car off and head over to Jiffy Lube to get Jon's cars oil changed. Jon's car has issues. Well after being there for over an hour and having some kid who sounded like he was speaking jibberish, it comes out that Jon's oil cap had been put on wrong and someone tried to screw something weird into it, and all this mess that caused a 15 minute oil change to take an hour. Sevy meanwhile thought it would be fun to lick a magazine and roll across the floor. Gross. Well, thankfully we ended up with both cars fairly working by the end of the day--just in time to watch the Texas Tech game against Texas (Tech won!)! Later on, Sevy found a box of her bandaids and thought it would be fun to open every single one! Oh, Sevy also decided she could pour her own milk in her bottle (she gets her own water bottles all the time), so I found her milk carton basically emptied and her cup running over on the stepping stool in the kitchen sitting in a puddle. She's so independent.
Sevy was excited we let her "drive" the car while Daddy worked on the tire.
Sunday: Well, Sunday's are always a trial thanks to Sevy's new found tantrums and a branch of only 30 someodd people. We actually faired almost well, until we got home. After her nap she wandered upstairs and managed to draw on every single piece of paper in our printer. The impressive thing is she brought one drawing down to me saying it was a monster, and you could actually tell it was a body and four legs! Late, because it is the week of her getting into everything, she managed to go into my room, take off her poopy diaper, drop her poop off in a box with nail polish, and paint her nails--and the box--all in the space of like 2 minutes. Seriously. Where did this child come from?
I haven't decided if we are just really neglectful parents or just have an amazingly sinister 2 year old. Between the fits and the destruction, I don't think I could handle another week like that! At least not any time soon.
You weren't kidding. I would have been crying by the time I'd have gotten to work. Way to be strong. I'm glad you got your tire fixed and poor sevy. I hate the butterfly bandage/vs stitches argument. I never know which to do.
I love the fact that I am laughing through this entire post thinking...oh good...Payton and Sevy are totally the same. And no, I don't think you are neglectful. Babies make mommy's brain dissapear. I'm sorry your week was aweful. That will make this new one hopefully better.
Hey, do you have any weight loss tips? I have a tiny gym that has hand weights, a cross trainer, tredmill and a bike. I'm sick of this not happening like I had hoped. I did it before but this time it's not going so well. You look awesome and I have to know what you did.
* jenni
Oh Kat I don't know how much more trouble she could get into. She has a talent or like you said she's just 2. Hang in there. I wish I was near to babysit for at least a few hours to give you a break.
Ahh, the joys of parenthood. I have to say Brynlie is my mellow child, but I fear that Kelson is going to turn my hair gray.
I haven't commented in forever. Your kids are so dang cute. Teik is getting so big!!
All I can say is WOW!! What a week! It sounds like you didn't get a break once!! But since your such a wonderful mother your still alive to tell about it ;) Love the story!!
I think that Teik looks super cute. Also, from the blogs of other women with two year olds, there are a lot of Sevsters in the world. I am so excited to see her at Christmas.
Ha Ha Ha!! That's why I love my Sevy. The Thursday picture was hilarious. I'm sorry you had such a crummy week. Maybe Teik will be your non-mischevious child. Either way, we love them both and can't wait to see you!
Holy crap your daughter acts just like Riley! It's nice to know he's not the only psychotic child in the universe who drives me absolutely up the wall!
Ho-ly CRAP! I can't believe you actually endured a week like that. Wow, you're one tough mommy! I would've broken down and called my own mother in great heaping sobs, to have her take pity on me!Hopefully this week went much better. I HATE dealing wih car issues as it is but to have it thrown in with the combination of the rest of your week. That's just torture.
no worries-- this to shall pass... i've told you about my kids (4 in 4 years) imagine sevy times four... we had LOTS of messes, but they do grow out of it... TAKE PICTURES and LAUGH!! she will give you LOTS of fun stories to tell later... you're a great mom!
Wow! Sevy gets the cake. That was hillarious. You are an amazing mom to just roll with it.
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