

My email has been hacked multiple times now and I'm getting really annoyed. Thanks to the hacker, all my friends, family, coworkers, and church associates have been sent an link to a sexual enhancement drug straight out of Canada. Awesome. Looks like I'll be getting a new email soon. On the plus side, I'll probably get to clean up my email address list which is embarrassingly long and I don't remember half the people on it. Look at me and my positive side!


Candice said...

You are so positive. Sorry about the email hacking...that is the worst. You never know who is in your stuff.

Nancy said...

that hacker has gotten a lot of people I know lately. I don't mind, I just ignore your emails anyway ;)

Chantal and Shawn said...

Haha...my address got hacked too, and my grandpa replied to it saying, "Thanks for all the cool new product. Really neat." That made my day.

Jon + Kat said...

Chantal-that is too funny! Your comment just made MY day!